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Showing posts from 2011

Reckless, will I be?

New Year's Eve: Dreaming about my perfect life. You have no idea how happy I am that this horrible year is coming to a close.
Do you ever feel like a plastic bag Drifting through the wind Wanting to start again If you mean, feeling worthless and like a waste of space, then YES. EVERY SINGLE GODDAMNNED MONTH. Like another clone with 2 X chromosomes wasting away on the streets of Earth.

Evan Peters (L)

Evan Peters, my new eye candy since my life is so sad I can't even have a real life eye candy... He makes Tate Langdon in AHS tragic, sad, evil, loving.  And American Horror Story is really kind of scary. But it's sad, tragic, lovely, happy, heart warming, all at the same time too. I think my brain and heart and courage explodes everytime I watch it.  Waiting for the new episode. The finale of the show. Ah HURRY UP WILL YOU. 
MOFO GOT INTO A CAR ACCIDENT. Thank god it was outside the carpark where everybody was driving slowly. I'm happily going straight Some dude was reversing and I suppose doing corrective action. Then he stops. So I go forward. That dude DECIDES TO TURN RIGHT. STRAIGHT INTO MY CAR.  AND HE DOESN'T STOP.  To my right is that blind dude. My left is the wall. NO WHERE TO TURN CAN ANOT.  COLLISION  Yea so apparently I wasn't alert enough and if my dad was driving we could have averted this. Yea whatever, you drive all the time then. That stupid idiotic dude drove like some drunk guy. How was I to know he would decide to continue driving after stopping from reversing. REALLY?? He looked dazed after it still.  Maybe he WAS drunk come to think about it.  MOFO. 
I happy liao! OVER!


Photoshopping my life away. Colouring photos..  More colouring of photos... Even more blue ... Black & White! Draw Christmas tree for my dad hehheh... Photoshop is my best friend when I have nothing to do at home. 
Since cars are so expensive in Singapore.. I have an idea ! Lets all protest against high costs of owning a car and not buy a car.  Nobody purchasing cars = Car retailers go out of business  No more car retailers  Economy affected Car prices drop, less COE, less costs less everything.  YAY.  Kay wishful thinking. 
Two possibilities: 1. I'm so lame until I can't stand myself. 2. I do EE1002 until mad liaoszxzx. Kill all the independent sourcessss ~ Maybe both. tralalalalala
aargh, no, ok, yes. I'm really starting to panic. The possibility of failing CS is super high after that disastrous paper. Feeling damn bad about the paper nowwwwwwwwww. Sian maxxed.
We all crash and burn To everybody who has made me feel shitty - Thanks. So so so so so D: over CS paper. Good job time management. 2 hour paper, I spend 1 hour on the 60m section, out of 80 marks. So... I completed a maximum of 30m from there. AARGH. It'll be a miracle if I pass the paper. There must be more to life than waking up every morning, think of an outfit to put on, go to school, attempt to learn, go home, attempt home work and waste my life in front of the computer. I want to do something with my life, but I'm not sure what, and neither do I know how to right now. #confused. & tonight I shall curl in my bed and read myself a book I feel a desperate need to go abroad. Not as a tourist, but as a traveller. To travel the land and take strolls down the countryside at night with the stars twinkling in the skies.
Di-ana Well, 11/11/11 will go down as another uneventful day. Nearly pulled an all-nighter to finish editting report writing. Cut 900+ words yay me & yay sze siong ! Somehow more fun than PW. Still annoyed by the 'I'VE CUT ALL THAT I CAN CUT ALREADY. REALLY CANNOT ANYMORE'. I see what they've written, and they're just wasting word count over and over. Hungry 24/7 Still a little bitter, still a little regretful.  This is so super cute ! Me loves it ! Can I be diana ? I WANT TO BE DIANA.  The guy singing so cute somemore haha.  I wrote our love in chili 'cause I know you're hot and spicy Diana, I love you so; If I, take you on a date, you'd not be cold and icy That was, an awesome rhyme;
EFF. CS TOOK ME LIKEA 10 HOURS TO COMPLETE. And it isn't even a good piece of code. Soul sucking. Me right now.  I'm a little happy I was so busy today though. At least I didn't have time to 胡思乱想. It's amazing how some conversations give me joy. We made a pact
I swear the cute Caucasian dude on the train... His eyes. To die for. Pretty pretty blue-green. *sighs* I think my mind and heart works in ways that I cannot understand.
Bring me to a quiet place Happy me! Out with TF and E! Very very nice simple idea. Me loves it. I don't look cheena lo D:
Where do I begin... I'm just a mess, basically. I wished I didn't care about anything most of the time. Sometimes it gets difficult waiting on people all the time. My dad taught me: Never make others wait. I remember he used to fly into rages when anybody made him wait. I was taught being early was a virtue ( ok, doesn't apply to school I'm sorry. Nothing applies to school. It's a different entity entirely. It exists in it's own special universe. ). Over the years I realise I grew to expect things from people. Then, I grew to realise that nobody bothers. When no one bothers to actually be on time, to actually reply after receiving a question, a message, what's the point. Letting go of it is easier than feeling like a ghost, an invisible being, that isn't worth 2 minutes of someone else's life, for them to think of a response. If you care you'd reply. You'd actually give me an answer. And not, yeah, maybe. Maybe I'd be free. Guess wh...
HAPPY DEEPAVALI! ^^ Awfully Chocolate, my favourite.  I <3 my parents. Never thought I'd be eating all over Joo Chiat, hanging around Awfully Chocolate with my parents. They might not like to go out much, but they're quite hip haha. These lessons that we've learned here; Have only just begun. Just begun
I don't know where this is leading to. Oh wells, let's just take the chance and go on the path to nowhere. Maybe it'll bring me somewhere. Still missing. 
It's Week 9 already? You kidding me right.  Let's see, the stand out events of my life of late.  Drove without my dad in the car, likea finally !  Drive to airport at 10pm to pick brother up > Forget to on head lights > Think why the hell can't I see anything > Michelle is fail.  Finished Mid-Terms on a disastrous note.  The list of nicknames I'm giving to people are expanding exponentially. Gay Boy, Socks, Same shirt, Coffeeshop uncle, Gold Digger, Annoying voice, Annoying A, Annoying B, Annoying C, Annoying D, Annoying Z, Mega Annoying Guy.  OK Mega Annoying Guy piss me off so badly. Fucking run things through your head before you speak. No. Idea. How. Your Girlfriend. Stands. You.  3 topics of Maths, 3 sets of lecture notes of 1002, 3 (? I don't even know, god bless) topics of CS, countless EC1301 to catch up. Cancelling any remaining life I actually had. 
Finally the end of rushing to finish graded asssignments. Time to catch up on work. Sometimes, I feel that emptiness walking along the corridors of engine. On a hair-pee note, apparently I have a lovely voice ! & I really think my PW OP presentation slides damn nice & ups.
Exam after exam. Assignment after assignment. Project after project. Disappointment after disappointment. Beyond the realm of tiredness. I swear one of the reasons is because I'm not getting enough food.
D: How come my nails still have bedsheet prints even though I painted them 3 hours before sleeping ??  And I never get how they're so soft I can leave marks when I press them with my nails.  Didn't realise I destroyed my thumb's nail polish.  Oh gawd, I suck. I need a manicure. 
Too tired. Eyes just want to close when I read my notes. Very irritated. Bad day, very. See, I always make the same mistake. Same old, same old. I wish I would spare myself this.
Just remembered I have exams next week. Hi Eli, this is specially for you. You can't keep blaming yourself. Just blame yourself once (if you really feel like it's your fault) and move on. But know that you didn't do anything wrong yeah!! Love, Michelle <3
Yawning in public is unglam.  I remember getting called out by the etiquette class teacher for yawning too publicly. Oh wells, but I'm kind of sleepy maxxed right now. Am in YIH yawning away happily.  Finally sort of done with my essay. I won't stop editing it until the deadline is up though. Insecure insecure insecure.  EE1001 profs, would you make it clear what you guys want?  Lenovo, why do you put your 'Function' key where the left 'Ctrl' key is. I'm having trouble getting used to it. Now I can't use the 'Ctrl' function without not looking at the keyboard. Either that, or I'll have to get used to using the right 'Ctrl' key. Do all moms love to take out everything and reorganise their daughter's things?? Math test on Wednesday   Tuesday (sian ttm I don't even know my schedule), and now I don't know where the fuck are all my things. Hate people touching my things.... -.- She never gets it.  & not nitpicking on...
101 things to follow when writing an essay  Can someone pretty please come up with that ? I've forgotten how to write an essay.  Wait, I was never good at it.  Topic sentence. Point. Elaboration. Explain. Link. All thrown out the window.  After completing 950 words I'm questioning if I even answered the question.  Essays. Not my cup of tea.  See mom, Reason #101 why I didn't even bother applying for Law. Ha. & to think in J1, GP was my strongest subject. CUI. 
MICHELLE IS WRITING AN ESSAY And she has written a grand total of 2 and a half sentences in the past hour. Congratulations. She needs all the luck in completing this 30% of her grade.  Seriously. What are the benefits and challenges associated with wireless in healthcare. Does this topic actually have an argument to it. It's begging me to state the benefits and challenges. I don't see no argument. According to Mervyn, it's Engineering's argument, not Arts argument. Gee gee. Clueless as to what the professors want. Oh wells. Elaine, Madhuri, Jian Le, Theodore, and to my Report group mates, quan kao ni men le. Am addicted to Tumblr whenever I write.  Bought a new computer yesterday. Booted it up today. What's the point of i7, 1Gb graphic RAM, when you can't even type. Lenovo ah lenovo WHY. Wasted my whole afternoon. Better not give me another defective one. My screwed up Acer also never had this problem. I've actually beared with this laggy laptop, rain and...
I AM AWESOME Yea Michelle keep telling yourself that. Maybe one day it'll be true.  So proud of myself! Deactivate Twitter! But now that I can't stalk people's profiles... life has become meaningless. K I kid, though it is getting boring without the timeline. NOOO I. Will. Persevere. Woke up at 7am to go jogging this morning with Madhuri. We are awesomes. 10k run sooon hahaha. 10k-running-mugging-nuns ftw. Anybodeh want to join us????  I've a nagging suspicion that I need to dig my brain out. Blend it into mush. Wash it, filter it. Wash my skull out. Pour the filtered mush back into my skull before I get smarter.  I think I'll start it over; Where no one knows my name.  
I've noticed, there's an increase in smokers in Singapore.  Like what's up man. Everywhere I go I seem to be breathing in second hand smoke. I don't want to die of lung cancer when I don't even smoke yo. The smell isn't even nice. Choking on it everywhere. No, I don't discriminate against smokers. I don't even give them a 'WTF' look. But really,  1. Supper = sitting and breathing in smoke the whole time.  2. Walking along Orchard. Smoke. Smoke. Smoke. And more smoke.  Smoke keeps getting blown into my face. GO AWAY. Stop making my lungs black.  Loaded statements from everyone. Bee-Why-EE, BYE Twitter! Hi babes. Won't you guys go back to Taiwan with me? Life likea simpler then. Hi, Nano. Won't you return to two months ago with me? When I saw the people who gifted you to me everyday. Miss you guys much much. 
She had not lost faith in finding Javier, even if, in her mind, the image of him was fading. She would wake up in the morning and search her imagination in vain for an image of his face, and sometimes there was nothing at all, hardly an outline. - The Return

You know I tend to get so insecure; It doesn't matter anymore

-So happy- Exhausted. The exhaustion is killing me. Yesterday I said, if the muscle ache gets any worse I probably won't be able to climb out of bed. It's not just the ache from the muscles. Its my mind aching as well. I was so tired from teaching awhile back. But it's a different kind of tiredness. Being tired from doing something that made you happy (I'm guessing it's more the company than the actual teaching) completely differs from being exhausted because of various tiresome situations. I'm also very disgusted with my worsening mood swings. My family gets the brunt of it. I hardly show it when I'm out, but today during lab, I was feeling like a pile of dung. Worthless. Don't understand shit. Wishing I was somewhere else. Feeling really sorry for my lab partner, that he has to put up with me, and teach me everything. Sorry. Everything seems to crash down at the same time. Tutorials, Sit-in labs, Appointments, Essays due. Please don't scold ...

My weakness is that I cared too much

Extract files also extract so long. I need to do my CS tutorial dammit. Doing things at the last minute? What can go wrong will go wrong. I am going to waste time because I don't feel like doing my EE1001 essay. I'm so tired, all I want to do is to sleep now. Don't like to talk to people whom give me the feeling that they don't want to continue the conversation. My dad has mellowed over the years. I'm sorry but I've got to move on with my own life. I tear my heart open and sew myself shut. & the scars remind us that the past is real.

Life Lesson #101

Life Lesson #101 Always try. 99% sure my father didn't scold me after that horrendous lane change because he felt that I was trying to be a better driver. - k I feel like I'm talking rubbish -

Danger is a Michelle

Dad came to 'pick' me up today. Drove home today. Needed to turn right. Thought car behind was slowing down. Picked up speed to change into right lane. Car behind didn't want to give way. Didn't realise and changed lane anyways. - Near car accident - Can give way abit? I've got lousy judgement. I'm sure you don't want to end up in a car accident as well D: D: D: & I need to park beside at least one car. I can't see the lines on the floor D: Face it Michelle, you're a lousy driver. It was good talking to Elizabeth, Brent, Vincent and Jianhong today. & I saw Nat! Many laughters today.

I wished I hadn't seen all of the realness

Last night was one of those horrid nights when nothing seems to be right huh? Tomorrow will be better, and today was better ! Despite the rain and waking up late. If my mom wasn't a housewive, I'd be missing lessons like free frag. Joewie crashed my math lecture today & I ended up not listening at all & playing with his BB. Stupid boy, I don't see what's so fun about crashing lectures !! Brent, brought the shoes from Taiwan to NUS today! Natalie came over to Kent Ridge for IFG! Dinner-ed with Tingfang! Took photos like a retarded tourists outside LTs with Elizabeth! Laugh like crazy with Elaine & Madhuri! - Ok, today is obviously much better - Chilling on the grass, watching Netball & Basketball wasn't too bad either. I think everybody I've met this year has led me to realise that I've had a privileged life, and I thank my parents for loving me this much, so much.


I tried so hard and came so far; But in the end it doesn't even matter Got through that pool of shittiness that was JC, thinking that things would be a whole lot better. Wrong has never been a more apt reply. 2011's not shaping up to be a very good year huh. Chinese New Year was horrid. Worse one I've had with all the shouting and fights. Then came all the self loathing for disappointing my dad. I remember results day. He didn't even ask me for my results. Doing UAS was just as hard. Picking apart the facade I've had on for years wasn't easy. & I thought maybe Uni would be easier. Well it's not happening yet. So mofo sick and tired of everything. & tomorrow, I wear my smile to school again. Will the time I spent teaching in West Spring this year, be the only time I'm smiling because I'm genuinely happy? Other than the times I'm out with you guys la.

Real life cannot scroll up.

Today is the day to talk. Went to school without attending a single lesson today. Good job. BUT, met new people ! Friend's friends, easiest way to make friends. At this rate, I'm never going to know anybody from EE. Friends all going to be from ME. :/ Supper again! Everyday supper. Confirm become chubbygirl92. Then every single photo I'll take, I'll have to do the slimming effect face liaoszxzx. Super fun to have supper with you guys ! (: OMG. MY EAR HOLE IS BLEEDING. PLEASE STOP? PLEASE? You can't scroll up, nor can you rewind in real life.

& I tell myself that everything will be alright

The more frustrated I get, the more annoyed at people I get, the more pent up I feel, the more I blog. Thursdays and Fridays are my waste time days in school. Wednesday: Wake up at 6.20 am Sleep at 2.30 am (Trying to solve tutorial questions, and ultimately still failing) Thursday: Wake up at 1 pm (I'm a pig, sorry), Sleep at 2. Waking up at 1pm for 2pm class is bad. Skipped lunch. Forgot my water bottle. Even sleepy the whole day. Shucks. I need to develop a healthier sleeping habit. Everyone says things they don't mean. Never put too much trust in words. Lies, a thousand and one lies. Or maybe, they said it flippantly. They never remembered you.


你知道吗?我很累。 制止自己去想那让人苦恼的问题是很累的;试着去持续谈话也会令人烦累的;每天带着笑容面对世界也是多么累人的事;责问自己是否做错事,说错话又是另外个累死人的事情。 如果不想与我说话,那么就算了吧。 在傍晚里慢跑是唯一一个真正属于自己的时间,让自己能够沉思,打开心里的结。就是这个时候,才能使自己平静。 而平静是非常提神的境界。

What was the name of the person Watt was named after?

I need: 1. New running shoes 2. New slippers / sandals 3. Nicer tutorial classmates. I try to be friendly and start a conversation, you give me dao look. I ask physics questions, you give me the ' why you so stupid' look. #ohkaycan. It's ok, I don't like being friends with arrogant people anyways. Another term of them. Just gag me. So tired trying to talk to people I don't know.

I sit by myself; Talking to the moon; Trying to get to you

Epic wave of tiredness hit me during Lab today. 老了! Tired until I gave up trying to get the correct answers. Practical was always my weak point anyways. I hope my lab partner doesn't get sick of me asking stupid questions. One of those rare occurences, I'm actually missing RJ. All my practical sessions in RJ were super fun, despite me being a failure as usual. Retarded lab friends (HI JING XIAN, BEN LOW, KKOH, ARUL) makes lab retarded-ly fun. Laughing at the random-est of things, laughing at how we were all failing, laughing at each other, getting scolded for laughing, and still getting the results with some help from friends (HI ELI HI TF HI CHARLOTTE, thanks for being smarty smarty !) maketh good fun. The NUS lab sessions are all very serious and hostile D: I got a deathstare trying to borrow correction fluid. Omg. wtf. please go and rot in purgatory. Hopefully the increasing workload will take my mind off things. Shoo shoo shoo, go away. If you don't want to shar...

We run across roads like nobody's business

Shop shop shop shop shop with Elizabeth. Shop and talk. Shop and talk. Shop and talk. Shop and talk. Flea market at *Scape like an awesome. Gongcha + Banana cake for dinner satisfies my taste buds. Should be done more often! Maybe not the shopping. Money flying away in all directions. & I'll never ever judge you ok! Retardsforlyfe


Teaching in WSSS has been one of the best experiences. Some of my students, they're more matured than my peers. I'm not sure how much they've learnt from my incredibly chaotic lessons, but I've learnt alot from them. More about life than what I've learnt from my 6 years of Secondary and Pre-U education. HTHT with two of them today. Meaningful long talks that mean alot to me. & to all you adults who think they are immature in all senses of the word, then you're mistaken. I'll keep a promise to myself: At the end of the year, I'll come back to this stint in my life. Because I believe it has brought me so much. Everything happens for a reason. Doors close for more doors to open. It's been what I've kept telling myself since the start of the year & it's helped me keep faith in all that's happened. The aftermath of it is that, I don't chase what I would have wanted like a crazed girl. Maybe I'm closing doors on myself. Rememb...

The Treasured Memories.

Reading about Secondary school days has made me rather sentimental. There was a routine in school: Every morning I'd be so early in school. Cheryl and I would hang around in the courtyard. The courtyard was our hang out place yea. Then people would fill in, and I'd nua with Wijaya. Morning assembly always a bore. I'll never forget how every morning we'd file through the two rows of prefects, getting booked for socks that were too low, fringes that were too long, skirts that were too short. I can't stop thinking of ugly uniform and laughing when I see the uniform thanks to somebodehhh now ahhhh. SC was quite welfare come to think of it. Every two lessons we got a break to eat. No wonder I keep gaining weight. Missing the huge space outside class where we lepak-ed. We have so many dear memories. The Meepok. The Western food and Japanese food later on. The quarrel with the yong tau foo auntie. The snack stall auntie who was a meanie. Every recess was when w...

You have no friends.

This situation's getting very exhausting. Tired of everything. Lunch with Eli and Tingfang at Science canteen. Walked back to Engine from Science. Pretty nice to have a quiet walk back. Spent the whole day with Eli. Felt like comfortable territory for awhile there. Love talking to you! Topsy Turvy mood's annoying as usual. Nicole says (8:57 PM): *I always scared like too overeager Ditto. Heard this girl telling her dog: "You have no friends", while I was jogging.

Oh my, you sinking mood.

Not sure why my mood's been a stinker all day long. It's hard going to school, sitting in lectures with people I barely know, trying to make small talk with them, when for the past 6 years, I've shared school life with some of my closest friends. I might smile and say hi at people, but no, I don't usually make conversations. Saps up so much energy. Going home to continuous doubting over my degree choice by my parents isn't helping things. Knowing that I've someone to turn to makes me very grateful. & Thank you for that. Am not sure why I'm feeling so much insecurities either.

A new chapter in life.

First week of uni. 2 hours of lecture. 1 hour of which was spent going through modular requirements. Tired like f. I think I'm tired from going out rather than from attending lectures. FOCUS GIRL! Ate so much today. I think I have enough food in me for the next few days hahaha. Takoyaki.Gongcha.Popcorn.Rice.Tofu.Starbucks.Creampuff. FatdieFatdieFatdieFatdieFatdieFatdieFatdie But I had fun fun fun fun fun! Apprehensive.

What Did I Do Today!

Let's do a What Did I Do Today post! (Since I'm abit bored) Bugis with E, T, N! (Hai, I'm sorry I'm copying how you name names haha) Crystal Jade for lunch where we failed terribly at counting money. E & I walked down bugis street to Fu Lu Shou looking for a gold shop to pierce our earlobes, and we now have two ear holes! The woman abit unsteady. Waiting so long for the stud to get pierced through was abit unsettling. Koi after that, and we stupidly camwhored outside the Koi shop. With ugly buildings as backdrop. Watched wu xia, and I declare it boring like f. Half the movie was spent talking, hypothesising, and trying to be innovative but failing terribly at all counts. Dinner! Woohoo! I need a new pencil case. Sorry for the mundaness of it all.
Lying on my bed and watching the television. Because that's the only thing my mood permits me to do right now. I've finally gotten my second ear hole with E !. 8th August 2011 is when I pierced it. Let's remember!

Hear my thoughts in every note

I've been getting too busy. Everyday I'm going out. With the same old people. Yes, life's interesting like this. But, there's a spot in my heart that's quite sad. There's a growing distance between me and my family, I feel it. I've never told my parents much, but it feels like it's getting worse. Sometimes, I'm just staying out late just so I don't have to go home.

Relac one corner only

Oweek!Oweek!Oweek! I like the lepak vibe. Sheesh, I think I should be more energetic. We weren't a high group. But, I've met people I want to keep in my life. & I think that's the most important part of everything.

You make my day

PMS like f today. This time of the month, I hate being a girl. Not being able to control my mood makes it even more sian. Side note for remembrance sake, both my parents are not talking to me. I'm not talking to both my parents. We're having so much fun. /rant

Have a nice day.

I'm pissed. With my parents. Because. They assume. Assume that they're bad kids. There's no trust. Come on, I'm 19. I know what I'm doing. I'm hardly going to rebel against you at this age. Nor am I going to start smoking. Trying to control who I mix around with isn't going to sit well with me. At all. Imagine if I told them what I was doing last night.


'Twas fun burning the night away in the hospital with Alven, Anqi, Yixuan, Shahrul, Yuwen Get well soon, Abel! I need to start writing about all the major events in these 8 months of carefree-dom. The thought of writing always kills the mood for remembrance though. Saw this woman with a freaking low cut dress. So revealing I don't see the point in her wearing a top actually.

Hello Holga!

First roll on Holga! Photos too dark. Shall continue experimenting. In other news, I've got a new 'semi-pro' camera. It's retarded really.

Drive for fuck.

I don't want to drive. I'm a sucky driver. I take 5 minutes to do vertical parking. I can't do parallel parking. I don't have the sense to look left look right check in mirror look in front accelerate steer at the same time. Drive to Orchard Road, get scolded all the way there. Got myself a hit on the head somemore. Public transport come back to me please? My dad's so unaccepting of my lousy judgement and everything else. Fuck? I've driven for ONE WEEK OUTSIDE OF TEST ROUTES. Ain't my fault BBDC teaches loser methods for driving. If you really can't control your urge to scold people, go scold them. I can't control what they teach. & who said driving was fun. Oh, and dear drivers, next time you see 'Probation Plate' drivers, please give way and don't honk at me. I panic = we all die. We all share the roads don't we ^^ I got shown the peace sign with the index finger down on the road. HAH.

Puberty, bane of my life.

All babies are cute. All kids are cute. My young self is so cute ! Fuck puberty. Now I look so gross. Sadded. I guess it's true. The cuter you are as a baby, the uglier you are as an adult. I want fugly babies next time. Can I be 6 years old again? Met my kindergarten teacher today. STILL REMEMBER ME. Think I was abit hyperactive in school last time. Somewhere along the way, I became a slacker and hated talking to teachers.

It's a quarter after 1, I'm all alone & I need you now

I need you now to fix my printer. (I tried to strikethrough this, but I can't find it in blogger -.-) A quarter after 2, I don't need nobody no more. Because I fixed it. Hell yeah, hi mechanic/technician Michelle. Fucking printers. Seriously. -.- I think I should learn to build printers. There's definitely a market for reliable printers that don't break down when you need to use them.

Gibberish (I hope I don't get into trouble with *companyname* for posting this)

I just spent 30min doing that gibberish. My dad should pay me #childlabour. Back aching, eyes aching, fingers aching. I'm pro heeheehee. Looks clean right!

Things I need to start doing

Collate Taiwan itinerary Start reading Finish up my cross stitch Download programme for my dad Do catalogue for my dad 4th: Nua at home 5th: Out with Eli to Taiwan Embassy + Holga shopping + Tuition 6th: Tuition? I want to go out with my momma 7th: Night tuition. Aftn maybe driving 8th: Out with Tingfang, Elizabeth, Joewie. Holga shopping 9th: Math clinic + Tuition + Start packing 10th: Tuition + Grandma's house + Packing 11th - 18th: TAIWAN 19th: Rest. Hopefully. 20th - 31st: TEACHING. (Sincerely hope my parents don't kill me.) (+ Tuition) 20th: Engineering talk. (Might miss this) 22nd: Med check up + Registration. (Fuck everything's clashing) 1st August: 1st day of school. My pretty schedule. Only one problem. I don't see the word rotting. What happened to my rotting period. FML.

Ni hao elizabeth!

HI THERE ELIZABETH HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY. Memories don't fade, and I remember our good times in school together! OM OMG REMEMBER? We used to bitch so much about everybody in our group. We lugged frigging long poles around everywhere. Hah. The project every engineer-ish huh! Sec 3 I&E Fair! We earned quite a fair bit spraying people's hair with colours haha. AND we cheated SC of the money oops. But they very rich la. I think we deserve the money! Being remedial buddies in J2 haha. Bimbo SC girls. Love you lots lots ! Don't worry so much about your Uni ok! Everything will turn out fine. And you shouldn't worry about programming. You haven't even tried it yet. Who knows, you'll be great! Stay spastic and bimbo and we all love you!

Vernon A and Justin Ang, who's the Malay?

03072011. Ting Fang, Natalie, Elizabeth and I, planning for Taiwan trip in my clean clean house with my gleaming floor. My house's super easy to get to. There's no need to trek 24km in like Brent's house. Don't have to walk in the sun pass many terrace houses that look the same like TF's house. So, hotels have been booked, I hoped successfully. Or else we'll have 4 homeless girls trolling the streets of Taiwan. Exciting. We shall train trip around Taiwan. & Happy Birthday Eliz-a-bird. I hope you liked the bag, the cake, the semi-surprise (given that my mom went: "Where's Tingfang! I thought she's coming!). Don't let POP's bad smell ruin your day! ---
Dear blog, Haven't seen you in a long time. Please entertain me. (But, I'm not really in the mood to write. Write . 6 months of no obligations towards writing. Enjoying every moment of it. Sincerely, I'm bored.
I'm so tired I can sleep anywhere. I dont even know why I care / try so hard when the people who should be trying aren't trying !!! >: Upset still nonetheless. Why won't they put in more effort. At least make me feel like I'm not getting shaggd for nothing! Well, teaching's still fun. I still need to figure out how to be the inspirer/disciplinarian (Srsly kids stfu. Courtesy's the only thing stopping me from saying stfu) /educator. & oops I still havent' done the NUH report damn.