Epic wave of tiredness hit me during Lab today. 老了! Tired until I gave up trying to get the correct answers. Practical was always my weak point anyways. I hope my lab partner doesn't get sick of me asking stupid questions.
One of those rare occurences, I'm actually missing RJ. All my practical sessions in RJ were super fun, despite me being a failure as usual. Retarded lab friends (HI JING XIAN, BEN LOW, KKOH, ARUL) makes lab retarded-ly fun. Laughing at the random-est of things, laughing at how we were all failing, laughing at each other, getting scolded for laughing, and still getting the results with some help from friends (HI ELI HI TF HI CHARLOTTE, thanks for being smarty smarty !) maketh good fun.
The NUS lab sessions are all very serious and hostile D: I got a deathstare trying to borrow correction fluid. Omg. wtf. please go and rot in purgatory.
Hopefully the increasing workload will take my mind off things. Shoo shoo shoo, go away.
If you don't want to share anything with me, I can't help it can I?
(Run run run run. Michelle felt really good after the run. & then at 12 midnight after getting frustrated with Maths, she decided to snack. First it was a chocolate wafer. Then it became 2. Next came the Murukku. Finally it was time for a Wang Wang sugary biscuit. That was the story of how Michelle went from feeling good, to feeling really bloated, lousy and disgusted with herself. )