- Collate Taiwan itinerary
- Start reading
- Finish up my cross stitch
- Download programme for my dad
- Do catalogue for my dad
- 4th: Nua at home
- 5th: Out with Eli to Taiwan Embassy + Holga shopping + Tuition
- 6th: Tuition? I want to go out with my momma
- 7th: Night tuition. Aftn maybe driving
- 8th: Out with Tingfang, Elizabeth, Joewie. Holga shopping
- 9th: Math clinic + Tuition + Start packing
- 10th: Tuition + Grandma's house + Packing
- 11th - 18th: TAIWAN
- 19th: Rest. Hopefully.
- 20th - 31st: TEACHING. (Sincerely hope my parents don't kill me.) (+ Tuition)
- 20th: Engineering talk. (Might miss this)
- 22nd: Med check up + Registration. (Fuck everything's clashing)
- 1st August: 1st day of school.
My pretty schedule. Only one problem. I don't see the word rotting. What happened to my rotting period. FML.