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I miss so many people, so many places, so much time gone past. There's so much sentimental longing some nights I would count the things I would willingly give up to have these things back.

Sometime in 2007 when we were cherubic innocent souls whiling our time away in Secondary 3. Wish we all didn't grow up.

Dear friend whom I love so dearly. We can talk for hours and hours and never get bored and do stupid things. STUPID things. 12th year of friendship, we somehow missed the decade annivesary oh wells. Let's wait for the 20th :D. (Didn't upload this on Facebook because the flash just.. ugh)

SYLVIA. So so so sorry I had to fly your kite this week. Work is killing me. The crazy girl who always goes shopping and out to eat good food with me (More of my retarded face I'm sorry haha)

Bimbo-lesbian forever! Haha, this is the one I never want to return to a year ago. Sad that you can no longer be lesbian with me, but so so happy for you that you're forever happy these days. :D That you were going to Engineering too made things less scary a year ++ ago ^^

It's funny isn't it how we never cherish what we have, and when it leaves us, we pine so hard for it. Recently I've been missing Australia so much. That 10 days of being carefree, being disconnected with everybody I am obliged to. Exploring and taking in the sights of the beauty of nature, that Australia has in abundance. I don't quite want to yearn for that time, because guilt and regret always sets in. I was so sulky because at that time I didn't feel this was the holiday I wanted. I resented having to deal with my mom and brother quarreling, having to compromise. But you see, compromise is important, compromise for the people you love, because who knows, this might be the only chance you see them happy. 

Most of all, I want to go back to when my house and the car was always filled with chatter, with laughter, with words. These days, all I hear is whatever program is being played on the television, whatever music I'm blasting through the earphones, the fridge opening and closing, the fan spinning, the toilet flushing, my dad yawning. Nobody even comes out of their room. My parents don't even speak to one another. I say speak, because there's shouting for sure. Suddenly it's a group of five strangers living under a roof. There isn't even a proper family photo to look back on. Truly, I wish I knew and could make everything better. 

And there's the situation that is so grey. 

The future is murky. What happens from now? I don't know. Wish someone would know. Maybe everybody's story is written out in words in a book somewhere. If so, at the moment I want to read the last page of mine and some others.


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