School, busy as a bee. Busy sleeping. I'm a pig. Every afternoon I nap for four hours. Is it any wonder that I can't sleep at night. Sacrificing work time for sleep :O
Had an extremely difficult third week of school. Sick and upset. Sleep sleep sleep all the illness away haha. Record of not seeing a doctor for illnesses for 6 (?) years maintains :D Though I nearly broke it last Wednesday night. The nights (and partly the days too) were freezing, but I would wake heating up. A difference one week can make.
January has been filled with ups and downs, events and work.
Les Mis today. Watched it and decided my opinion of it doesn't change. Maybe it's set up too much like a musical. I just can't indulge in singing when speaking does the trick.
First time to glass house (so mountain tortoise). Seafood platter is damn gooooood.
RVR CNY decorations! The luminous lights look like they came straight out of a chinese horror movie. :/
Chinese New Year reunion dinner/Nicole's 21st with the awesome people <3 a="" beat="" been="" br="" but="" decade="" each="" everybody="" friendship="" haven="" here="" it="" long="" lost="" next="" of="" other.="" s="" since="" so="" t="" the="" to="" turned="" up="" we="" with="">3>
And just like that I've known Pei for 11 years. Clinging on to each other for dear life when the two of us got transferred to the other class together. And more than a decade later here we are. Time flies.
Weatherman said it's gonna snow, by now I should be used to the cold; Mid-February shouldn't be so scary. It was only December, I remember;
Had an extremely difficult third week of school. Sick and upset. Sleep sleep sleep all the illness away haha. Record of not seeing a doctor for illnesses for 6 (?) years maintains :D Though I nearly broke it last Wednesday night. The nights (and partly the days too) were freezing, but I would wake heating up. A difference one week can make.
January has been filled with ups and downs, events and work.
Les Mis today. Watched it and decided my opinion of it doesn't change. Maybe it's set up too much like a musical. I just can't indulge in singing when speaking does the trick.
First time to glass house (so mountain tortoise). Seafood platter is damn gooooood.
RVR CNY decorations! The luminous lights look like they came straight out of a chinese horror movie. :/
Chinese New Year reunion dinner/Nicole's 21st with the awesome people <3 a="" beat="" been="" br="" but="" decade="" each="" everybody="" friendship="" haven="" here="" it="" long="" lost="" next="" of="" other.="" s="" since="" so="" t="" the="" to="" turned="" up="" we="" with="">3>
And just like that I've known Pei for 11 years. Clinging on to each other for dear life when the two of us got transferred to the other class together. And more than a decade later here we are. Time flies.
Weatherman said it's gonna snow, by now I should be used to the cold; Mid-February shouldn't be so scary. It was only December, I remember;