Tuesday was the worse day in a long long long long long long time. Anything that could go wrong probably went wrong.
- Woke up late
- Bus came, realised I forgot my wallet
- Reached class super super late
- Unexpected visit from my aunt
- Stomach cramp
- Cui Econs marks
- See things I don't want to see
- SCREWED UP LAB LIKEA BOSS. Really. Screwed. Up. I don't know what happened. Nice lab TAs just made me feel even more crappy. Good luck wish from my lab TA, and a nice reassuring smile from a tutor. What's more, I've only went for his tutorial once + one consultation. Sometimes a smile does wonders. Reassures. Then again, all these nice TAs just made me feel even more effed up. That feeling you get when you know you've disappointed yourself and everybody else. Time to game on.
- FAVOURITE SKINNIES ZIP RIPPED. Omg I'm such a fat ass.
Completely unrelated but, shopping these days makes me irritated. Shirts are either too damn tight or too damn lose and baggy. Can a girl get a fitted shirt that doesn't require her to momentarily pause breathing, or one that isn't another cropped baggy top??