I love watching Discovery Channel. There's this quality to their documentaries, and it always makes me feel so much for the people or issue that's being discussed. They present people and issues in the most dignified, if that's the word, way that there is never pity, but instead you feel admiration, respect and even empathy. That's the power of documentaries I guess. It's something I regret, that I'm no good at writing, at thinking critically, at evaluating. If I was skillful enough, I would probably have thrown myself whole-heartedly into working towards a future in journalism. More so than practicing medicine, than building structures, going into another person's world, to see and understand his life, to write and report on it, to be affected by everything around, journalism is so in touch with reality, with the truth around the world, that may not be evident in our everyday life. Ok I write gibberish-ly D: