2:40 am. My sleeping habits have gone back to normal. By normal I mean normal by my standards which actually mean really bad. It improved during the period when I had to be on call to be my dad's chauffeur, but now the night owl in me is out to play again, and it refuses to disappear.
I've never realized up to now how huge DSLR images are. Post-processed images are at least 10MB. WHERE DO I FIND THE SPACE FOR THEM?! Hence, I decided to resize Day 1 of Korea Trip images to a more reasonable size: 4288 x 2600 pixels (or thereabouts), maintaining at 300dpi. But the resolution is really poor when I uploaded it to Facebook and I'm really upset about it now.
In a lazy funk though I want to blog about the trip. So here are three photos that I tried photoshopping to emulate a film look. So. Fail.
Anyhows I really love my new camera (: And I think I've fallen in love with polaroids as well. That and I want new lenses. Unfortunately I'm broke beyond words, especially since my phone screen cracked and I'm probably going to have to break the piggy bank to pay for the repair. The S4 screen is really really fragile and I wouldn't advice using the phone without a protective cover.