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If I could, I would

Suddenly it's already March. Middle of the school term and I'm beginning to feel like I can't breathe again. Work is piling up so high with all the tests and quizzes and reports being thrown at us. Studying in a corner for the entire day at lengths for the last three + weeks is suffocating. Going to Marche the Saturday after presentation doesn't count because everybody was dead beat. All the regrets I've been feeling that's building up infinitely is gnawing.

February flew by. Wished I had cherished it a little more.

Eusoff dance production.  I have no photos to show for this. Gah. Should have just insisted using my phone as well instead of just letting the photographers take our group shot. The dances were really pretty, though the dialogue was ... funny? Met Mel Leong :D ! Old friend, long lost. I want to remember this date because it felt like we made progress. Waiting for me before going to buy food, asking me to go to the front with you, going with me to buy my drink, holding you when you tripped (ok I can't find the words here) and asking me if I was 'not happy' when I let out that huge sigh after the concert. Will never ever forget how you asked me that. I don't know if this will become a painful memory in time to come, because I feel that we've moved backwards again, but I will jot it down.

03/02/2013 // 04/02/2013: Making my way to EA to study (:

10/02/2013: 除夕!

Yeeaaaah, I look so retardedly greedy here D:

11/02/2013: 初一


12/02/2013: 初二
2nd day of Chinese New Year, and I drive to HCI to pick my brother's friend up, only for him to tell us he doesn't want to come with us anymore !? Proceed to drive to Tampines where I completely fail at parallel parking, hence cue see-once-a-year-uncle coming out of his car to park for me - Most embarrassing moment of my driving experience. Next drive across the island back home to pick my dad up to go my grandma's place, and he tells me he doesn't want to go. Seriously, what's wrong with people. Separately, I always feel like the guy of the house when my dad decides he would rather stay home, leaving me to assume certain duties and roles a patriarchal figure would. I do enjoy feeling the power that comes with it, but certain days I wish my brothers would just grow up already.

Mom's family! My grandaunties are all really nice wahaha (: That boy boy behind me is SUPER DUPER CUTEZ. He kept touching my head, and when his dad asked him if he liked the jie jie (me) while taking the photo, he proudly announced yes OMG. Heart. Melt. 

 Aunt & Obnoxious cousin LOL. 

14/02/2013: Valentines Day aka The day when suddenly engineers dress up
and engine starts looking like arts.

Alcove. Five&Dime ! And a ridiculously long supper with peeps at RH after.

18/02/2013 - 23/02/2013: Thereafter school got crazy with tests and reports. It's like we got punished for all the festivities.

 Being retarded after finally getting presentations done with.

25/02/2013 - 28/02/2013: Recess week! When I turned nocturnal, studying until 7am and sleeping till 3pm.

Haha, even saw the moon at 7am. I am not a morning person, so.. I don't see this often. 




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