MICHELLE IS WRITING AN ESSAY And she has written a grand total of 2 and a half sentences in the past hour. Congratulations. She needs all the luck in completing this 30% of her grade. Seriously. What are the benefits and challenges associated with wireless in healthcare. Does this topic actually have an argument to it. It's begging me to state the benefits and challenges. I don't see no argument. According to Mervyn, it's Engineering's argument, not Arts argument. Gee gee. Clueless as to what the professors want. Oh wells. Elaine, Madhuri, Jian Le, Theodore, and to my Report group mates, quan kao ni men le. Am addicted to Tumblr whenever I write. Bought a new computer yesterday. Booted it up today. What's the point of i7, 1Gb graphic RAM, when you can't even type. Lenovo ah lenovo WHY. Wasted my whole afternoon. Better not give me another defective one. My screwed up Acer also never had this problem. I've actually beared with this laggy laptop, rain and...