"He felt the ground shake beneath his feet. Then a blast threw him into the air. He landed on his back, but couldn't sit up. His body felt heavy. He knew his face was scorched. The voices died down in his head until he was completely deaf. His left arm, he realised, was badly burnt. He looked at it and saw a mass of flesh and blood. His hand and half his forearm were missing, but it barely hurt. He understood how useless it would be to stand up and run. The sky became red with fire. A moment later he felt someone grab him by the neck, trying to make him sit up. It was Andia. her face was filled with horror. She was crying and shouting, although he didnt hear her. he told her that he loved her, that it was going to be all right, and his words echoed in his chest as in an empty boxy. Andia pressed her face to hsi chest and hugged him as if she were trying to keep him from going over the edge of an abyss. Then Santiago San Roman no longer felt anything."
Sigh, sad sad beautiful book.