Nice OG photo :D (Missing Florence & Adil though DD: ). I LIKE.
Ok disregarding the fact that my OG-lings are awesomez, that the red shirts look bright and pretty, that we have a yummy brownie for the birthday girl, DON'T YOU THINK I LOOK LIKE I HAVE LEG MUSCLES HAHAHA. I officially need to exercise to get rid of my flabs. So this shall be a favourite photo until I am motivated to go running, which is God knows when :D .
N.E mation prize presentation
Lol. Poor 4 girls up on stage. Never seen people so unenthusiastic about cheering for their own CCA, school mates before. I don't really see the point in asking 30 people to go down as support if that 30 people are just going to sit in the Auditorium and stone or start programming on their laptop throughout the whole ceremony.
& Spencer takes unbelievably long to eat his muffin. He took more than 30 minutes to finish the muffin with his dainty little bites. Kenneth Koh you need to LEARN. Then Tingfang won't find you disgusting anymore. And you'll be a happy little boy HAHA.
At home today, I realise, I talk to my brothers differently. Sure we're close, we play together, high together and laugh together. But I always fool around more with my youngest brother. I'll tease him, pinch his fats, bully him a little now and then, but I don't do that with Dillon (middle one).
He specially showed me his graduation photo today just because I haven't seen it yet. (Super cute luh the way he bounced into my room and showed it to me like seeking my approval) He bounced out of the room happily after I told him that it was really cool and that it's a very nice photo and asked questions that made me sound like I was super interested.
Thing is, if it was my youngest brother, I'll just say he's damn fat. Then he'll make a fuss and we'll laugh. Conclusion: Need to be more random and spastic with Dillon. D: (think I'm more protective of him though. )
& Everytime 'I know you want me' or 'Right now (na na na) plays, I think of Cambodia and the kids dancing in the 'hall' to the two tracks. Beyond awesome.
(Lol Super disorganised post. Hope you're entertained by my disgusting writing, Kenneth)
He specially showed me his graduation photo today just because I haven't seen it yet. (Super cute luh the way he bounced into my room and showed it to me like seeking my approval) He bounced out of the room happily after I told him that it was really cool and that it's a very nice photo and asked questions that made me sound like I was super interested.
Thing is, if it was my youngest brother, I'll just say he's damn fat. Then he'll make a fuss and we'll laugh. Conclusion: Need to be more random and spastic with Dillon. D: (think I'm more protective of him though. )
& Everytime 'I know you want me' or 'Right now (na na na) plays, I think of Cambodia and the kids dancing in the 'hall' to the two tracks. Beyond awesome.
(Lol Super disorganised post. Hope you're entertained by my disgusting writing, Kenneth)