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I made mistakes but held on to my faith

First day of Year 3 in NUS. Time is flying past us. It felt like yesterday when I was a freshman, and now suddenly I'm in my second half of university life. I have to cherish this two years and finally gain some momentum in my last schooling days. Heartbreak has led me to realize that I've let myself feel bad, be distracted and bothered over undeserving things for too long. So, here's to a burden-less, hardworking, enriching semester ahead. I have to say though, that having the worst diarrhoea I've ever had wasn't a perfect start to the year.

I had great apprehensions to the start of school again. Lectures and free time were always spent with Soo and Maddy. With us choosing our own electives this semester, and Maddy being the bitch still enjoying her US life, it was going to be a scarily lonely time in school, attending classes like the antisocial loner I am. Life still has to go on, and I am glad to say that the first day wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Sure, there were still fleeting thoughts of how differently I expected it to be a few months ago. But, for the most part I'm enjoying the freedom, and catching up with friends whom I haven't seen in months, and of course paying more attention in lectures.

Brisbane 2012 || Traipsing all over the city, soaking in the sights.
"Should our morrows be foretold?" And to that I should answer, "No." Some doors are best left closed. [Grand Maester Pycelle, A Feast for Crows]

Walking along the familiar paths to frequented favourite study spots and RVR, I find myself thinking of the previous months. Strangely though, I don't recollect much, nor do I reminisce much. The last 7 months has almost become a total blur. Some part of me longs to feel a little bit of nostalgia, as if that ability preserves what ever little goodness there was left and that I am not as unfeeling a creature. The fact that I don't speaks volumes.

// I'm too much of a stalker for my own good.
// Sadism
// Ok, this will be my final post/thoughts about this chapter ^^v. Shall make this a happy place again! 
// I paint a picture of a fighter, but that someone looking back at me says I'm a liar. If I should die before I wake, the least that I could ever say, I made mistakes but held on to my faith. 'Cause when I look in a mirror, I don't even recognize myself.I've got the heart of a winner, but looking back at me is someone else. No regrets, no regrets, 'Cause we ain't even seen the best of days - Dappy, No Regrets
// 我明白已变成你的负担. - FIR, 我们的爱. Sliced. 


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