It's Week 9 already? You kidding me right. Let's see, the stand out events of my life of late. Drove without my dad in the car, likea finally ! Drive to airport at 10pm to pick brother up > Forget to on head lights > Think why the hell can't I see anything > Michelle is fail. Finished Mid-Terms on a disastrous note. The list of nicknames I'm giving to people are expanding exponentially. Gay Boy, Socks, Same shirt, Coffeeshop uncle, Gold Digger, Annoying voice, Annoying A, Annoying B, Annoying C, Annoying D, Annoying Z, Mega Annoying Guy. OK Mega Annoying Guy piss me off so badly. Fucking run things through your head before you speak. No. Idea. How. Your Girlfriend. Stands. You. 3 topics of Maths, 3 sets of lecture notes of 1002, 3 (? I don't even know, god bless) topics of CS, countless EC1301 to catch up. Cancelling any remaining life I actually had.